Container Registry Comparison: AWS ECR vs. Google Container Registry

October 12, 2021

Container Registry Comparison: AWS ECR vs. Google Container Registry

When it comes to container management, choosing the right registry is crucial. AWS ECR and Google Container Registry (GCR) are two popular options in the market. We've taken a closer look at both and compared their capabilities, costs, and ease of use.


Both AWS ECR and GCR offer a range of features that make container management easier. Some of the key features include:

  • Docker support: Both registries support Docker images and are natively integrated with other Docker services.
  • Security features: AWS ECR comes with access control features and encryption options, whereas GCR offers role-based access control and container signing capabilities.
  • Integration: AWS ECR integrates well with other Amazon Web Services, while GCR has seamless integration with Google Cloud Platform.


Pricing is an important consideration for any company when selecting a container registry. Here's how the two options break down:

  • AWS ECR: pricing is based on data storage and data transfer. You pay $0.10 per GB per month for storage and $0.09 per GB for data transfer.
  • Google Container Registry: pricing is also based on data storage and data transfer. You pay $0.26 per GB per month for storage and $0.12 per GB for data transfer.

When comparing the two, it's important to note that pricing will vary depending on the amount of data stored and transferred.

Ease of Use

Both AWS ECR and GCR are user-friendly and easy to set up. AWS ECR comes with a web console that allows users to manage and monitor their container images, while GCR has an intuitive UI that provides easy access to all the main features.

That said, users have reported a slightly steeper learning curve for AWS ECR, while GCR has been praised for its ease of use and user-friendly design.


All things considered, choosing between AWS ECR and GCR will depend on your specific needs. AWS ECR is a strong contender for businesses that are already using Amazon Web Services and require tighter security controls, while GCR shines in its ease-of-use and seamless integration with Google Cloud Platform.

At the end of the day, both registries offer robust features at competitive pricing, so it's really a win-win situation. As long as you choose the one that fits your unique business use case, you'll be in a good place to manage your containers.


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